

In tough financial times, many people are looking for some relief from the constant calls from creditors and debt collectors. Taxes are owed and the regular everyday needs like food and utilities have to be paid. Instead of drowning, you may want to consider some form of debt relief like bankruptcy. An experienced attorney is the person you need to help you decide whether filing for bankruptcy is the right move for you.

At Brian A. Smith Law Firm, LLC, our attorney is a great person with whom you can discuss your financial options. He knows the Ohio bankruptcy laws inside and out. When you agree to have him represent you, he will go over your finances with you and get an understanding of your goals, immediate and further down the line. Whether your business is in a slow period or your personal finances need work, Mr. Smith will offer judgment-free advice on what you should do given your situation.

You have to decide which form of bankruptcy to file with the court. Most people will choose between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Under Chapter 7, you may have to liquidate some assets to satisfy creditors. With Chapter 13, you’ll have to reorganize your finances and submit a plan on how you’ll satisfy creditors. Either way, you will have to meet some requirements before filing. Our team can help you do that.

Bankruptcy Attorney in Independence

For some people, filing bankruptcy is like admitting defeat. We think of it as having a fresh start and a chance to move forward. It won’t be easy, but we will be there for you. Contact us to find out about the possibility of filing bankruptcy.

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